This is a giant wolf spider. The top two pictures are of a female, and the bottom three are of a male. When I captured the female, she attempted to bite me but just scraped my fingernail instead. That was a close one, mate! Later, when I caught the male, he bit me on my finger. That was too close, mate! (Please do not try this at home!)
This is my new pet, Mr. Alfred Snaily Snail. He is a Manatee Tree Snail. I found him on a nature trail near a creek. At first, I thought it was just a cool shell, but the next morning, he was crawling around on the back porch. We made a home for him in a terrarium where he now sits on our homeschool table.
Taking a nap one day, I awoke to this crawling across my face. Just Kidding! Actually, I was riding my bike when I heard the call of "Snake!" I dove off my bike and, half limping, half running ran to the place from whence the screams came. My mom was weeding and came across this little beasty -beauty. I LOVE SNAKES.